
Showing posts from January, 2022

Happy New Year XD 2022!!

  音樂,表達心聲 Music is for sharing Music without borders   音樂要用心去感受,用思想去品讀。   Heart feels music, thought reads music. 音樂是靈魂的記憶,靈魂是音樂的寫真。 Music is the memory of soul, soul is the portrait of music. 單曲循環,聽的是自己的心情 。 The music replayed expresses how we feel.   ◆     ◆     ◆   今 日 の 歌 or 曲 - Music & Life - ♪     (image from the internet) Gentle breeze stroking the face. A clear and boundless sky.   At this moment, I saw a cloud high in the sky... It let me think of a poem.     (original photo @Aesolus)   By Chance XU Zhimo   I am a cloud high in the sky, Casting an unwitting shadow of mine on your heart.     Strolling along the old street.   In such a world full of traffic,   There is an endless stream of people.   The sunlight floods every corner of the land.   The scenery is as beautiful as a painting.   It reminds me of a song, Growing Fond of You , by Karen  Mok ( 莫文蔚 ):   Green  tile    and  red brick,