All about MUSIC...



- Our Motto -


Music is for SHARING.



Music is a kind of remedy, do you agree?

Will the world without music be dark and blue?

Does music make your life shine?

Is music inspired from life, or life inspired from music?

Life is not music, life is much harder, however, what would happen if there was no music in life?


This time…


Take a break, listen to music, talk about life, tell stories.


It could be about how is your feeling after listening to a song, or

Sharing your stories related to a piece of music, or

Anything that you’d like to share or talk about…


Every attendee may share opinions or stories on a musician or a piece of music.

It is not only a music activity, but also a place where you can berth your heart.

Research and Performance

🎼 About Gene Hsu



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