Rendition: Music, Translation & Interpretation

Introduction and List of Song Writing & Translation


Here are songs I translated and rewrote songs from Cantonese and Mandarin into English.

During the process of translation and adaption, I adopted and referred to "singability" in song translation, which was proposed by Franzon (2008 and 2015) and Low (2005) asserts “pentathlon principle” of song translation.


Singing & English Lyrics by Gene


I. Prelude to Water Melody

II. The Moon Represents My Heart

III. Loving You

Early work on Song Translation & Adaptation

To My Future Self


List of References

Franzon, J. (2008) ‘Choices in Song Translation: Singability in Print, Subtitles and Sung Performance’, The Translator, 14(2), pp. 373-399. doi: 10.1080/13556509.2008.10799263

Franzon, J. (2015) ‘Three Dimensions of Singability. An Approach to Subtitled and Sung Translations’, in Proto, T., Canettieri, P. and Valenti, G. (eds.) Text and Tune. On the Association of Music and Lyrics in Sung Verse. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, pp. 333-346.

Low, P. (2005) ‘The Pentathlon Approach to Translating Songs’, in Dinda Gorlée (eds.). Song and Significance. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 185-212. 


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