Song Translation & Adaptation - Lonely Christmas

Lonely Christmas


Original song by Eason Chan

English lyrics: Gene

Last updated in 2020

Such a marble feeling in my heart, but there’s never snow in my city.
Missing but remember that neon flashes the busy street and sweep away happiness.
A single person dislikes holidays, loneliness is with him through all night.
Once I loved never ever stayed with me,
Loneliness is right left here.

Merry Merry Christmas Lonely Lonely Christmas.
Who shall I give blessings to, love between us has gone.
Lonely Lonely Christmas Merry Merry Christmas
Whom shall I send a letter to, a broken heart is scrap paper.
A lonely person dislikes holidays, drinking with loneliness through all night.
Once I loved never ever stayed with me,
Loneliness is right left here.

Merry Merry Christmas Lonely Lonely Christmas.
Who shall I give blessings to, love between us has gone.
Lonely Lonely Christmas Merry Merry Christmas
Whom shall I send a letter to, a broken heart is scrap paper.
Missed phone calls. Not be noticed, I stayed in the room through all night.
Loud grief sounds like mourning melody.
Tears are falling, warm and frozen
Watching boring channels, lying on the bed, marble like a dead plant.

Merry Merry Christmas Lonely Lonely Christmas.
Who shall I give blessings to, love between us has gone.
Lonely Lonely Christmas Merry Merry Christmas
Whom shall I send a letter to, a broken heart is scrap paper.
Merry Merry Christmas Lonely Lonely Christmas.
Who shall I give blessings to, love between us has gone.
Lonely Lonely Christmas Merry Merry Christmas
No one will stay with me on Christmas Day


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